If you read a book about some painter's life, or about fine art in general, you probably have been perplexed by that part when the author start talking about the painter's belonging to some art movement, or beeing aginst another's philosophy, without giving any explanation; unless you are an art expert, then you'll have no trouble what so ever. However, for the rest of us, art critics and authors don't make it in anyway easy !
Then if you searched the Internet, you'll find lists of endless movments, lots of them are repeated, or actually names for one movement, and most importantly, those lists have no historical and organized order. You'll find this important, because Pre-Raphaelite for example, came long time after Raphael ! Or how war and economical and religious environment of some era affected a particular movment.
For all those reasons, I present to you this simplified, but not truncated infographic, hopefully it would by useful for you. Click to freely download the full resolution, and enjoy.
- This infographic covers major art movments, some small ones which didn't last long were not mentioned in order of simplifying.
- All dates are approximate.
- Mentioning artist's name in one movement doesn't mean he only painted in this category.
- Those movments concord about painting only. Nevertheless, some movments are mutual in different arts, architecture, sculpturing, such as Art Nevu.
- DON'T reuse without permission.
- This infographic covers major art movments, some small ones which didn't last long were not mentioned in order of simplifying.
- All dates are approximate.
- Mentioning artist's name in one movement doesn't mean he only painted in this category.
- Those movments concord about painting only. Nevertheless, some movments are mutual in different arts, architecture, sculpturing, such as Art Nevu.
- DON'T reuse without permission.